ECA: Sew Much Fun Sewing Club Launches Fall Beginner Sewing Series

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ECA: Sew Much Fun Sewing Club launches Fall Beginner Sewing Series

Sewing during the Beginner Sewing Series

Tamra Lee Corley Dunn, an experienced seamstress of over 30 years, launched the ECA: Sew Much Sewing Club Spring 2024 as a volunteer leader. She leads Open Sew each 4th Friday of the month from 1:00-3:00 p.m. as well as a Beginner Sewing Series twice per year in the Spring and Fall.

Tamra Dunn, Instructor teaching student, Val Davis to Sew

Instructor, Tamra Lee, assisting student Val Davis with her first sewing project.

The Fall Beginner Sewing Series began on Friday, September 13th, which included the foundational skills and knowledge needed to get started with sewing. Participants learned about the parts and functions  as well as the basic operation of the sewing machine, including winding their bobbin and threading their machines.

Participants gained hands-on experience using essential sewing tools (pins, fabric rulers, rotary cutters etc.), as well as basic sewing techniques and pressing seams. Sewing safety was taught as a priority for safe sewing practices and to avoid accidents and injuries.

Student pinning sewing projectUsing a Rotary Cutter

For this first session, participants embellished their own hand towel using the techniques they had learned and were able to take their project home with them.

Fall 2024 Adult Sewing Series

Each class in the three session series builds on these basics, helping students gradually gain the skills and confidence to tackle more complex projects as they progress. Subsequent sewing classes in this series are scheduled for October 11th, and November 8th. These participants are eager to tackle their upcoming projects which include a half apron and table runner.

If you are an experienced sewer and would like to volunteer, please give our office a call (828)837-2210 ext. 5.